
Friday, August 28, 2020

Hack This Class

  • Publish your work!  Share/Post more of your best quality work on this blog on other publishing venues.  This should be work that you are most proud of and is worthy of exhibition.
  • Write, sketch, draw, create, compose, color in your writer's notebook daily.
  • Revise, resubmit, and take advantage of reading/writing conferences – your commitment to the Process Writing Project gives you complete control of your grade in this class.
  • Constructively comment on your classmates' posts.  The blog is a valuable extension of the classroom.  Be an active participant.
  • Read as many books as you can, keep a record of what you read, and talk about them in class.
  • Always use evidence from the book to prove your point – and cite the page number!
  • Check the syllabus or just ask if you have questions:


  1. I actually like this class. I also like the idea of food. When we are reading, can you close the door? The room nearby is really loud.....

  2. I agree with the idea of food

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I like watching movies and playing music in class.

  5. I love hearing stories within songs

  6. listening to music helps me concentrate

  7. I agree with eating in class.

  8. "cause life for me ain't been no crystal stair"

  9. I think this English class will be the most beneficial to me throughout my high school experience

  10. What are some good books that you have read recently?

  11. What is your favorite book that you have ever read?

  12. What is your least favorite book you have ever read?

  13. what book r u reading

  14. I like how this class is informational, but at the same time enjoyable.

  15. Thank you for giving plain simple steps to help in this class. It gives me good guidelines to follow.


  17. ur a vry good teacher ur teching metods r top notch ni hao!!!!!

  18. can we eat or drink in ur class.... bc its not fair ur last name sounds like "coke" and whenever someone says it or when I say it I get hungry loll. pls can we eat in your class

  19. Mr. Koch's class is the best class in my schedule and he is a funny teacher! Hopefully I can improve my writing skills

  20. Tri Nguyen
    Block 2
    The Maze Runner

    The Maze Runner written by James Dashner is the first book of the series. I love this book because it fits the style that I always read. It is like the Percy Jackson series which is the kind of book I get hooked to, and a good book to carry around on many occasions. For me, when I read a book, and I become hooked, I know that book or series is going to be amazing and meant for me. That is what exactly happened to me.
    This book is about a boy named Thomas. He is in a humungous box trapped with strangers he doesn’t know. At first he was afraid until he met Chuck, his first friend. Chuck shows him around and tells him they call this the Glade. After he is shown around, Thomas hears a loud scream, wondering what it is he sprints to the sound and sees a boy strangled to a chair with bloodshot eyes and green skin. Thomas is so terrified he passes out and forgets everything. Afterwards, he wakes up and is greeted by Chuck. They both go for food at Frypan’s kitchen while the runners return. He is then greeted by the leader of the Glade, Minho. Minho is surprised how Thomas was the first newbie to see what happened to a glader in the house. Later, he shows Thomas what was outside the box. Outside was pitch black, but Thomas has a feeling that something is out there; he waits and something sprints by, it was horrific, it had no skin, a metal arm, and a tail of a scorpion.
    This book is the bestselling in the New York Times, and continues to get better and better. Action packed, adventure and mysteries through the humungous maze looking for a way out. With one girl and a bunch of boys, will they find civilization? Will they escape the terror that they have been in for many years? Read the book to find out if they escape the horrific maze.


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