
Friday, August 28, 2020

Hack This Class

  • Publish your work!  Share/Post more of your best quality work on this blog on other publishing venues.  This should be work that you are most proud of and is worthy of exhibition.
  • Write, sketch, draw, create, compose, color in your writer's notebook daily.
  • Revise, resubmit, and take advantage of reading/writing conferences – your commitment to the Process Writing Project gives you complete control of your grade in this class.
  • Constructively comment on your classmates' posts.  The blog is a valuable extension of the classroom.  Be an active participant.
  • Read as many books as you can, keep a record of what you read, and talk about them in class.
  • Always use evidence from the book to prove your point – and cite the page number!
  • Check the syllabus or just ask if you have questions:

Featured Post

Socratic Seminar - Community/Justice

Why do we feel the need to belong?  How do we maintain our individual identities and be part of a community? What are the benefits and draw...