
Friday, November 7, 2014

Socratic Seminar - Lamb to the Slaughter and Other Stories

Critical Thinking, Inquiry and Wonder

The Window Questions:  These should be the primary focus of your discussion and preparation.

What does the story say about the storyteller?

How are oral stories different from written ones?  Video?

Why do we read this story?

How does this story explain the world around us?


Just some of the other ideas you may consider:

What is the most important word in this story?
How does this story remind me of another story?
What is the theme of this story?
Which character can you most easily identify with?
If you were the director of the film, whom would you choose as the actors?  Why?


Prepare for the seminar by reading the text, preparing your notes, and thinking about connections between this story, other stories we have read in class and other stories you, or your classmates, researched during the project.


The Setup


The Rubric

1 comment:

  1. really fun. had fun talking a story with my peers and finding their view on the story


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