
Friday, December 4, 2020

Socratic Seminar - Community/Justice

Why do we feel the need to belong? 

How do we maintain our individual identities and be part of a community?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of belonging to a community? 

Considering the pieces we read in the second unit, how do the texts we have discussed, or that you have explored on your own, help you to answer the driving questions of the unit?

Long Way Down
On Cracking White City
Danger of a Single Story


Be able to make connections from the stories you have read, consider:

🌍      -text to world
👍👍 -text to self
📖      - text to text

Always use evidence from the book/text to prove your point – and cite the page number!

Be a good participant by sticking to the Excellent criteria of the rubric below.

We will arrange into three groups and each group will have about 25 minutes to discuss the driving questions with their group.  The Inner Circle will be discussing while the Outer Circle will be evaluating.

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Socratic Seminar - Community/Justice

Why do we feel the need to belong?  How do we maintain our individual identities and be part of a community? What are the benefits and draw...