
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge: Roles and the Writing Process

Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge: Roles and the Writing Process:

by Betty S. Flowers

Professor of English and

Director of the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library

"What's the hardest part of writing?" I ask on the first day of class.

"Getting started," someone offers, groaning.

"No, it's not getting started," a voice in the back of the room corrects. "It's keeping on once you do get started. I can always write a sentence or two-but then I get stuck."

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know. I am writing along, and all of a sudden I realize how awful it is, and I tear it up. Then I start over again, and after two sentences, the same thing happens."

"Let me suggest something which might help," I say. Turning to the board, I write four words: "madman," "architect," "carpenter," "judge."

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I-Ready Diagnostic Instructions

NO Silent Reading today

Please log in to LCPSGO on your laptops

Get out headphones

If you did not bring your own, get some from the bin.

Make sure your computer volume is turned on.

I-Ready Reading Diagnostic

Once Students see the login site they will use their normal username and password that they use to login to their computers. Make sure your students have earphones or make sure the bin of school ones are available for use.

Reading Diagnostic Directions

Log in to a computer using your normal username and password

Plug in your head phones and turn up the computer volume. You may borrow headphones from the bin if you need them.

Click on the LCPS-GO link on your student laptop and select I-Ready

Enter your normal username and password for the computer.

Be sure to select the Reading Test, not the Math Test.

Follow the directions and answer the questions the best you can.

If you need to pause the test for lunch or the restroom, click the “X” in the top right corner. The program will save your progress for you to continue next time. When you return, you need to log in again.

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