
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Myth Project - Research Roles

Research Project Role Sheet:
Component 1: Research the Symbols/Main characters  Group Member: __________________

Description of role: Your job is to provide in-depth research on some of the most important characters in your myth.  Limit yourself to 2-3 key characters to research. Keep track of your source information by taking good notes in the library.  Then you will compile your research into synthesized paragraphs for your teacher and a concise presentation for your classmates. 

As you research, try to answer the questions below.  Any additional information that you find interesting as you research may also be incorporated into your presentation.
1.     What acts/stories are the characters best known for in ancient Greek mythology?
2.     What relationships are the characters known for? (Who are they related to? Outline a brief family tree)
3.     What character traits or values are associated with the characters?
4.     What symbols represent these characters? Why?

Note: This information should come from at least 4 NEW sources, not the myth itself and not your class notes.  Use the library books and databases at your disposal to find this information.  Keep track of the sources you use as you will need to cite all of this information.

Research Project Role Sheet:
Component 2: Research Ancient Greece      Group Member: _____________________

Description of role: Your job is to provide in-depth research on how your myth reflects the daily lives and cultural values of the ancient Greeks. Keep track of your source information by taking good notes in the library.  Then you will compile your research into synthesized paragraphs for your teacher and a concise presentation for your classmates. 

As you research, try to answer the questions below.  Any additional information that you find interesting as you research may also be incorporated into your presentation.
1.     Which key Greek values do you see conveyed in your myth (see handout)? Research this value and its importance to the Greeks.
2.     What social/political ideas are apparent in your myth (ex. role of men/women, government, rich vs. poor, etc.)? Research how these social/political ideas actually existed in ancient Greece.
3.     What aspects of daily life are apparent in your myth (ex. farming, building, working, family life, religion, recreation, etc.)? Research these day to day activities in ancient Greece.
4.     What is the impact of the geography in your myth? What are some landmarks or physical features that the characters had to deal with or experience or overcome?

Note: This information should come from at least 4 NEW sources, not the myth itself and not your class notes.  Use the library books and databases at your disposal to find this information.  Keep track of the sources you use as you will need to cite all of this information.

Research Project Role Sheet:
Component 3: Research Modern/Historical Influence     Group Member: _________________

Description of role: Your job is to provide in-depth research on how your myth has influenced art, literature, and culture. Keep track of your source information by taking good notes in the library.  Then you will compile your research into synthesized paragraphs for your teacher and a concise presentation for your classmates. 

As you research, try to answer the questions below.  Any additional information that you find interesting as you research may also be incorporated into your presentation.
1.     What examples of this myth’s influence on contemporary art, film, or literature can you find? Try to broaden your search beyond just pop culture like Percy Jackson. 
2.     What other famous works of art or literature have been created that reference this myth? (Hint: Look into the Renaissance period in art and the Modernist period in literature).
3.     What big ideas or archetypes has this myth come to represent?

Note: This information should come from at least 4 NEW sources, not the myth itself and not your class notes.  Use the library books and databases at your disposal to find this information.  Keep track of the sources you use as you will need to cite all of this information.

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