Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
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Thursday, September 24, 2015
VASOL Prompt of the Day
Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already
mastered, you will never grow.” Based on your experiences, do you agree or disagree with
Emerson’s statement? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and
specific examples.
Civil rights leader Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the
service of others.” Do you agree or disagree with Gandhi’s statement about the importance of helping
others as a way of discovering more about yourself? Take a position on this issue. Support your
response with reasons and specific examples.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
VASOL Prompts of the Day
It has been said that first impressions are almost impossible to change. Based on your experiences,
do you agree or disagree with this statement? Take a position on this issue. Support your response
with reasons and specific examples.
Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Do you agree or disagree with Emerson’s statement about individuality? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and specific examples.
Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Do you agree or disagree with Emerson’s statement about individuality? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and specific examples.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Arena's Poems - block 2
The hot summer day
The bees buzzing everywhere
Sipping lemonade
Christmas Eve is here
Sitting by the fireplace
Waiting for the snow
Watching leaves all day
Green, purple, orange, I see
The nice breeze comes through
Green leaves sprouting out
Fresh smell of the breezy wind
Nice days with nice air
Friday, September 18, 2015
VASOL Writing Prompt(s) of the Day
Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Determine never to be idle . . . It is wonderful how much may be done if we
are always doing.” Do we accomplish more if we are always doing something, or does inactivity also
serve a purpose? Take a position on this question. Support your response with reasons and specific

It has been said that a positive attitude is the key to success in life. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement about the importance of attitude? Take a position on this issue. Support your
response with reasons and specific examples.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Driving Questions Semester 1
What does the story say about the storyteller?
How are oral stories different from written stories?
How do we use stories to explain the world around us?
Why do we read this?
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
"Limericks are short poems of five lines having rhyme structure AABBA. It is officially described as a form of 'anapestic trimeter'.
The 'anapest' is a foot of poetic verse consisting of three syllables, the third longer (or accentuated to a greater degree) than the first two: da-da-DA. The word 'anapest' shows it's own metric: anaPEST.
Lines 1, 2 and 5 of a limerick should ideally consist of three anapests each, concluding with an identical or similar phoneme to create the rhyme.
Lines 3 and 4 are shorter, constructed of two anapests each and again rhyming with each other with the overall rhyme structure of AABBA."
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen
Hardly ever are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
'via Blog this'
"Limericks are short poems of five lines having rhyme structure AABBA. It is officially described as a form of 'anapestic trimeter'.
The 'anapest' is a foot of poetic verse consisting of three syllables, the third longer (or accentuated to a greater degree) than the first two: da-da-DA. The word 'anapest' shows it's own metric: anaPEST.
Lines 1, 2 and 5 of a limerick should ideally consist of three anapests each, concluding with an identical or similar phoneme to create the rhyme.
Lines 3 and 4 are shorter, constructed of two anapests each and again rhyming with each other with the overall rhyme structure of AABBA."
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen
Hardly ever are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
'via Blog this'
VASOL Prompt of the Day
The British naturalist and politician John Lubbock wrote, “Your character will be what you yourself
choose to make it.” Do we choose our own character traits, or is our character formed by influences
beyond our control? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
My Dog Didn't Eat It
Dog Didn't Eat It
was given so much time
finish up these rhymes,
I waited till the night before,
now I am screwed for sure.
it's not really my defect
I didn't finish this project.
red and abandoned fish, Fred, died
my brother threw him outside.
clothes got wet,
so I
got an idea set.
caused a fire to go by
I threw them in the microwave to dry.
hair was a flowing, shiny river streaming
my shoulders, before I began thunderingly screaming
it instantly mutated into a massive frizz ball
the stickiest, most humid morning of all!
In a
rainy afternoon, I went out to the patio
munch on some crispy, green pistachios.
On a
spur of a moment, I was blinded when lightening struck!
would be paralyzed in a coma, if I had not ducked.
time I started to work,
felt my phone staring at me like a jerk.
ought to believe me!
project is bad luck…please agree.
working on it at this minute.
will surely happen to it.
a second! What is this?
poem of my excuses to end my crisis!
Monday, September 14, 2015
VASOL Writing Prompt of the Day
Because of safety concerns, many states have increased the age at which teens can begin to drive.
Your state legislature is considering raising the minimum driving age from 16 to 18. Do you think the
minimum driving age should be raised? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with
reasons and specific examples.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
iRockEnglish: Heroes We Never Name
iRockEnglish: Heroes We Never Name: Heroes We Never Name Back of the men we honor Enrolled on the scroll of fame, Are the millions who go unmentioned - The heroes we...
Heroes We Never Name
Back of the men we honor
Enrolled on the scroll of fame,
Are the millions who go unmentioned -
The heroes we never name!
Those who have won us the victories,
And conquered along the way;
Those who have made us a nation -
A tribute to them I would pay.
Back of our nation's first leader,
Of Lincoln and Wilson, too,
Back of the mind directing our course
Was the army that carried it through.
Back of the generals and captains
Was the tramping of rank and file,
And back of them were the ones at home
Who labored with tear and with smile.
And What of the "everyday" heroes
Whose courage and efforts ne'er cease!
Toilers who struggle and labor and strive
And hope for a future of peace?
Hats off to the worthy leaders;
Their honor I'd ever acclaim -
But here's a cheer for the many brave,
The heroes we never name.
By M. Lucille Ford
VASOL Writing Prompt of the Day
Many schools require students to participate in volunteer programs in their communities as a
requirement for graduation. However, some people feel that requiring students to volunteer defeats
the purpose of volunteering. Do you think students should be required to volunteer in their
communities to receive their high school diplomas? Take a position on this issue. Support your
response with reasons and specific examples.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
First Time Driving a Car - Writer's Notebook Page Quickwrite
First Time Driving a Car
This is my first draft in my notebook about the topic - First Time Driving a Car.
This is my first draft in my notebook about the topic - First Time Driving a Car.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
VASOL - Writing Prompt of the Day
Some say that the journey is more important than the destination. They argue that people find more
joy and satisfaction in working toward a goal than in achieving it. Others say that it is the destination
that gives meaning to the journey. They argue that the process of working toward a goal would be
meaningless without its achievement. Take a position on this issue. Use reasons and specific
examples to support your ideas
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
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