Monday, June 8, 2015

Justification Kills, but is Killing Justified?

It’s hard to determine the hero and villain of a story if the author doesn’t make it partially clear.  Some people could see the villain’s acts as being the right thing to do, and in some cases the hero could be doing wrong.  There are many cases where the villain of the story, as well as real life situations, where the line between right and wrong isn’t clear.
One of the most common reasons why someone does evil is out of revenge.   One example of this is one of the stories from Sherlock Holmes.  There were two men who had been murdered.  At a glance anyone would assume that the murderer is in the wrong here, but what if I said that the two men ruined the murderer’s life.  In the book there is another short story that tells the tale of John Ferrier a man who lived in western America.  Long story short, his daughter died of depression after she was forced to marry a man she didn’t love, and had to watch the one she loved die.  John had lost his daughter and a man that he was good friends with thanks to two men that have caused him trouble in the past.  John ended up chasing the two all the way to Great Britain where he killed them.  Now some may say that killing them is no way to solve an issue, and there are other ways to handle it, but there were none.  The two men had high status in this town, and couldn’t have been punished.  John took the matter into his own hands and avenged himself, his daughter, and her true love.
Now that leaves us with one question, was he really the villain?  Everybody tells you that violence isn’t the answer and there are always other ways to handle a situation, but when you take a look at history, you’ll find that we’ve been lied to.  Humans grew up on the foundation of war and violence.  History repeats itself day after day as more conflicts break out no matter how big or small.  In war, almost everyone will make the argument that their side is in the right based on where they live and their beliefs, but isn’t that a little bit biased.  People haven’t lived in the opposition’s shoes.  We fought the Revolutionary War because we wanted to be free from Great Britain, but Great Britain thought that they were doing a perfect job in governing America.  We fought the Civil War because the north saw no need for slaves while the south depended on them heavily.  There will always be two sides to a coin some just weigh one side heavier than the other, because I know I do.  I’ve always weighed heads over tails, doesn’t it just feel natural?

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